Monday, September 10, 2007

My Typing Test

Well, I had my typing test today for the full-time position I applied for about a month ago. This is the job I applied for which is exactly what I'm doing now at the same place, only guaranteeing me full-time hours. I really wasn't sure I should even apply for it since I am up against 2 other court clerks which have been court clerking in Chilliwack for a number of years already but have never been able to secure full-time status. My manager kept on telling me to apply anyways since you never know what will happen. So I took my typing test and was disappointed to only get 67 words per minute. We were allowed 3 tries and I asked if I could do it again. My manager said it wouldn't matter since I already passed and it was only a pass/fail test and didn't matter what your overall score was. So I left it. At the end of the day, I found out that the other 2 girls failed the typing test as well as another former court clerk who works in the Registry. I have no idea what this means for the next step of the competition since typing 50 words per minute is a minimum requirement for applying... I will definitely keep you posted!


Yvonne said...

My hopes are on you Teresa!