Well, I just got the letter confirming I did not get the job. All I can say is I gave it 100% and there's nothing I can do about it I suppose.
McCalls 6948 modified
9 years ago
Life as mom to two girls, wife to a wonderful husband, currently a temporary SAHM for one year mat leave, and then back to being a full-time court clerk.
wow - that was quick. well it wasn't meant to be then - maybe there's a better position down the road or maybe you're just meant to be where you are. must be interesting seeing all those cases.
wow, that is harsh. What are they thinking not hiring you???? they must be out of their minds.
They are silly - you're the bestest and I think they are out of their minds! *Hugs* to you:)
I'm sorry to hear this. I echo what your sisters and Amber said. It's good to recognize that you did the best you could. I just finished reading your other posts, and I want to pass on our thoughts and prayers with regards to Ryan's diagnosis with Crohn's disease. I'm sorry to hear that too. I know a little about that illness to know it's not an easy one to cope with. I pray that the Lord would give Ryan and you both strength each day to deal with it. Yes, Nick and Lisa's trials are very big and challenging, but in my opinion, it doesn't make our own struggles less important or trivial. Things like finances and job struggles and health struggles are big and I wish you guys strength to persevere under your trials. We've been there and still are there with regards to finances etc ...only it's finally looking up for us with Martin starting a full time career in January after 4 3/4 years of schooling. May God bless you and your family!
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